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Many kinds of problems arise over time on these old Vintage Machines.


Floppy drives stop working, the CRT monitor can develop problems, hard drives, connectors all the way down to dry solder connections.


Again I have been fixing all of the above and many more types of problems on all kind of vintage machines for a long time


There is of course the dreaded Acid Leak problem. This is the worst threat facing all old Machines. Sadly in most cases an acid leak, if found too late spells the end of the motherboard. But sometimes they can be revived although this can be very very time consuming and costly.


















Many problems I can help you with over email so you can fix it yourself. I dont charge for this.

I try to answer all questions but there might sometimes be a delay as I am fairly busy most of the time fixing Macs.




So feel free to drop me an email on any Vintage Computer problems you are having.




macintosh recap  recapping europe service repair classic SE portable plus 128K 512K
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